Monday, August 26, 2013

The Atonement Has Power

August 26, 2013
We shared a FHE lesson on Mateo 16:26. It asks the question for what will a man sell his soul? The obvious answer should be nothing but many small things happen in the life that are worth retrospect. In Momos on Pday while waiting for the pizza we would play Foosball for Q1. But the money thing jammed and kept giving us free games. A stroke of luck or a challenge of our integrity? However you see it. I had to ask am I willing to sell my soul, my integrity for Q1. NO. We should not let anything slow us down in our quest to be 100% obedient.We got 4 new Elders in Chiyax, and 1 new in Juc ha.Wednesday I talked in Zone meeting on putting off the Natural man and using the atonement to become a saint. Certain events in life always help us learn by obedience, or by experience. One lesson we can learn is the miraculous power of the Atonement. It is for both the sinner and the saint. The atonement will raise us to new levels. On Sunday I understood what it meant to repent daily and try to be better today than we were yesterday, and better tomorrow than today. This will raise us to new levels. It is more than just stop bad actions, but stop the thoughts and ideas from getting there. I believe it was Packer that said our mind is like a stage and we are not responsible for the thoughts that come in but how long they stay. We must use the wonderful atonement to be better day after day. The atonement has power.We had a great lesson with our investigators, and are planning baptisms in September. They came to church and with their daughter. It was awesome. Two young women whisked her away to Sunday School. Thank you for all of your support and love. Just know that the Atonement is there to make us better. Pray to know how you can apply the atonement more in your life. I promise you will be enlightened and the spirit will be more abundant in your life.
Elder Wright
Toto Sunset August 2013

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